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חיי הקהילות היהודיות ברחבי העולם בזמן משבר הקורונה

Municipal leadership & Covid-19

The Diaspora Jewish Community, Post-Pandemic: Trends and Recommendations

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way Jews practice and express their Jewishness. Because the possibility exists that things will not return to the pre-pandemic norm, measures must be taken to assist Diaspora Jewry address the recent developments and their impacts, turning them into opportunities for renewal and growth.

The Diaspora Jewish Community, Post-Pandemic: Trends and Recommendations

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way Jews practice and express their Jewishness. Because the possibility exists that things will not return to the pre-pandemic norm, measures must be taken to assist Diaspora Jewry address the recent developments and their impacts, turning them into opportunities for renewal and growth.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought suffering on a massive scale in the Jewish community and across our country, exacerbating societal inequities we long knew existed but have not adequately addressed.

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way Jews practice and express their Jewishness. Because the possibility exists that things will not return to the pre-pandemic norm, measures must be taken to assist Diaspora Jewry address the recent developments and their impacts, turning them into opportunities for renewal and growth.

Understanding how communities respond to COVID-19: experiences from the Orthodox Jewish communities of Antwerp city

The importance of community involvement in the response against disease outbreaks has been well established. However, we lack insights into local communities’ experiences in coping with the current COVID-19 pandemic. This study explored both the impact of, and response to, COVID-19 within the Orthodox Jewish communities of Antwerp (Belgium) during the first lockdown period (March 2020 – May 2020).

Jewish Life in the Time of Covid

A year ago this month — what feels like an eternity ago — we mobilized our community to take a stand against anti-Semitism. Over the course of a few weeks in late 2019, we’d seen the fatal shooting at a kosher grocery in Jersey City, the knife attack at a rabbi’s home in Monsey, and near daily attacks against visibly Jewish individuals in Brooklyn. In response, with our partner the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY), we organized the “No Hate. No Fear.” march and rally for the first Sunday of 2020.

As pandemic changes world, Jewish communities must reinvent themselves

Between limitations on prayers and a global shift on virtually everything around us, Jews worldwide both grapple with and embrace the change.

מנהיגות מקומית בשעת חירום

דעה: הקורונה המחישה את היתרונות שיש לרשויות המקומיות בעת חירום

התקופה המאתגרת שישראל ושאר מדינות העולם עוברות כעת הציבה שוב את הרשויות המקומיות בחזית המאבק • הן הוכיחו כי גם מול משבר בריאותי, כלכלי וחברתי קשה הן יכולות לשמש מעבדת ניסוי קריטי שמאפשרת למדינות ללמוד ולתכנן את אסטרטגיית היציאה המועילה ביותר

הטנגו של הקורונה – ריכוז וביזור סמכויות בין השלטון המרכזי ו בין השלטון המקומי בישראל

בחודשים האחרונים נשמעו קריאות רבות המבקשות להעביר את סמכויות הטיפול בהתפשטות נגיף הקורונה לרשויות המקומיות בישראל. דמויות מרכזיות בשלטון המקומי אף קראו באופן גלוי לממשלה להעביר את הסמכויות לטיפול במשבר לרשויות המקומיות. משבר הקורונה העיר מחדש את המתח בנושא חלוקת הסמכויות בישראל. השיח בנושא ריכוז וביזור (decentralization )הסמכויות בין השלטון המרכזי ובין השלטון המקומי שב להיות אקטואלי וקיבל ממדים פרגמאטיים.

Leadership at the local level: How can cities drive a sustainable recovery?

The COVID-19 pandemic has struck at the heart of cities, with an estimated 90 percent of confirmed cases worldwide reported in urban areas [1]. High rates of density, cultural and social gatherings, public transportation, the intermingling of diverse business and creative networks—many of the traits that define the uniqueness of cities are vulnerabilities when it comes to controlling transmission.

Citiesand local government. COVID-19 and municipal infrastructure.

Navigating COVID-19-related disruption will require cities and other municipal governments to travel through four distinct stages. The plans and decisions made by leaders as they complete this journey will play a key role in shaping a municipality’s focus, operations, and ability to position for long-term success.

Local government leaders reflect on pandemic policy response

When the COVID-19 crisis began to reveal the full extent of its brunt last spring, elected officials in Northeast Mississippi were among the first in the state to take action. Although the pandemic’s reach was worldwide, the front-line response largely fell on local communities. Federal agencies issued guidelines, gathered data and coordinated resources, but states and municipal governments were where the reality of the disease made most immediate contact with the work of policy making.

Local government leaders reflect on pandemic policy response

When the COVID-19 crisis began to reveal the full extent of its brunt last spring, elected officials in Northeast Mississippi were among the first in the state to take action. Although the pandemic’s reach was worldwide, the front-line response largely fell on local communities. Federal agencies issued guidelines, gathered data and coordinated resources, but states and municipal governments were where the reality of the disease made most immediate contact with the work of policy making.

Local leadership, Covid-19 and the Pacific

Although the evidence base around the localisation agenda is uneven, there is increasing recognition that a great deal can be learned from local leadership across the Pacific in the context of Covid-19. In disaster response over recent decades, self-reliance and traditional knowledge have had to compete with the substantial presence of international agencies and donors. Managing the consequences of this influx of aid actors has become a key challenge of emergency response in the Pacific, but emerging analysis of humanitarian and development programming in the context of Covid-19 suggests that this has the potential to change. Notwithstanding the great damage brought by the pandemic and containment measures, in the Pacific this shift in context has created the conditions to significantly strengthen local ownership of humanitarian response and development.

The response to the Covid-19 pandemic: lessons in governance and leadership

The Covid-19 pandemic has shone a light on how the UK functions: how decisions are made and by whom; the interlocking – or isolated – roles of health care, local government and the private sector – and the ‘heroic’ mindset dominating central government. In this long-read, Sir Prof Chris Ham analyses what the response to Covid tells us about how our systems work – and why this needs to change.
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